Latest news 30th March 2021!

At a recent Zoom meeting of our committee, it was hoped that we would be able to reopen our Hind Street Shed on Tuesday 13th April. However, on consultation with Environmental Health at the East Devon District council such aspirations were dashed. The magic date now will be Tuesday 18th May.    The weekly schedule will be, as before, on Tuesdays and Fridays between 10.00am and 4.00pm.

Covid restrictions as before. Face masks, social distancing and hand sanitisation stations at three points in the building. There will be no need to ration sessions, as the Shed is large enough to accommodate our present membership. 

Adaption work is nearly complete with the latest addition of a low-level, seated-height modelling bench. With the opening date delayed we now have more time to make sure all is tickety boo with the lay out and a good training regime in place for our new machines.

The extraction system is now complete and the layout will allow future expansion to provide for disc sanders and a routing table.

There was a discussion about future purchase of a variable height woodworking bench. This would allow activities from wheelchairs. Together with our disabled toilet we could extend our membership to those affected.

Many shadow boards have been made and two metal turning lathes have been taken out of hibernation and installed in the main workshop.

The final layout of benches is under constant discussion and doubtless a good plan will evolve.

We are in negotiations with East Devon District Council about a block parking permit at the Land of Caanan Car Park. In the mean while any member who parks there will pay just £1 for a Shed session. (Current day charge is £2) We have a special arrangement with Sainsbury’s for Blue Badge holders.


We’re back!


Re-Opening News and Update